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ÖBB 1216  
in short
Since 1999 Siemens has been building TAURUS locomotives for the Austrian Federal Railways, OBB. Originally 400 machines of the 1016/1116 series were planned, but the market for especially freight operation changed drastically during the first years of the new millennium. The 1016/1116 proved pretty soon that it had not the potential to become a product that could help the OBB to expand its working domain outside its own national borders. In the mean time, the industry had been able to implement several innovations into products for other operators, that with their new vehicles would become very serious opponents for the OBB on especially the north-south corridor from Germany to Italy and towards Eastern Europe.

The OBB therefore started a dialog with manufacturer Siemens so see if the order for 400 machines could be changed in favour of a new ‘all-European’ locomotive. These negotiations resulted finally resulted in the development of the ultimate EuroSprinter; the Siemens the ES64U4 platform, a.k.a. the OBB 1216 series or ‘Taurus 3’. 50 of such multi purpose, multi system electrics have been built (in stead of the final 68 1116 locomotives) which can be used for services to Germany, Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. Four machines were preliminarily built for trials, homologation and … setting the world high speed record for electric locomotives on a dazzling 357 kph!

From the 2006 to mid 2008, serie-delivery took place, completing the Taurus family, now including 382 electrics in total!

Luckily, Siemens succeeded in selling to remaining 6 machines to other operators in 2006 and 2007.

50 locomotives
built and delivered in stead of 1116 283-350
delivery period 07.2006 - 05.2008
25 locomotives ES 64 U4-A configuration (1216.0)
> 1216 001, 002II, 003II, 004-025 delivered as such
10 locomotives ES 64 U4-B configuration (1216.1)
> 1216 141-150 delivered as such
15 locomotives ES 64 U4-C configuration (1216.2)
> 1216 226-240 delivered as such
operator official website:
Siemens official website:
ÖBB 1216: news  
open news
2017-05-05 [AT] Second 1216 series locomotive for Italy in RailJet design
open news
2016-10-07 [EU] NightJet: Austrian railways presents its new network of night trains
open news
2016-03-31 [HR] ÖBB 1216 148 and sugar trains in Croatia
open news
2016-03-03 [AT/IT] Italian Railjet set on test
open news
2016-02-23 [AT/IT] 1216 018 is the first 'Italian' Railjet locomotive
open news
2016-02-18 [AT/IT] 1216 018: First Railjet liveried locomotive for Italy
open news
2016-01-31 [AT] New: ÖBB 1216 019 -Achensee-
open news
2015-12-03 [SK] Rail Cargo Carrier - Slovakia runs first train under own license
open news
2015-11-22 [DE] CD railjet liveried 1216 250 in Dresden
open news
2014-11-04 [CZ/SK] Trials with CD Railjet in Slovakia [update]
open news
2014-10-25 [CZ] Czech Railways fined for Railjets contracts
open news
2014-08-01 [AT/IT] Official: ÖBB order further nine Railjet units (fit for Italy)
open news
2014-06-25 [AT/CZ] Kapsch Railjet
open news
2014-06-19 [AT] ÖBB shows renewed interest in more Railjet trains
open news
2014-06-16 [CZ/AT] CD Railjet rolling stock now used in Austria
open news
2014-06-13 [AT/CZ] 1216 235: CD Railjet no.3 in service
open news
2014-05-30 [AT/CZ] Retrofitted, renumbered and repainted: OBB 1216 250
open news
2014-05-06 [AT/CZ] First two CD Railjet trains in service [updatex2]
open news
2014-02-11 [AT/CZ] First CD Railjet 7-car train complete
open news
2014-02-08 [AT] CD Railjet: now testing with 1216 235
open news
2014-02-04 [AT] 1216 020: steam locomotive livery removed
open news
2014-02-04 [CZ/AT] Trials with CD Railjet coaches have started
open news
2014-01-30 [AT/CZ] First image of CD Railjet 1216 236
open news
2013-12-15 [AT] The end of the Lienz - Innsbruck direct service
open news
2013-12-02 [CZ/AT] Looks like it's already December 2014
open news
2013-11-24 [AT] 1216 230 repainted in Railjet livery
open news
2013-10-14 [AT] New: Werbelok 1216 141 -ÖAMTC-
open news
2013-09-18 [CZ] Presentation of 1216 235
open news
2013-09-17 [AT/CZ] First image of CD Railjet 1216 235 [updated]
open news
2013-09-11 [CZ] CD Railjet preview [updated]
open news
2013-09-09 [AT/CZ] ÖBB 1216 series fleet changes 2013-2014
open news
2013-09-02 [CZ] About the CD RailJet [updatedx2]
open news
2013-08-25 [DE/AT/IT] Summer with 1216 019
open news
2013-08-02 [DE/AT/IT] Ready for duty: 1216 019 -Wagner/Verdi- [updatedx3]
open news
2013-07-31 [AT] ÖBB changes the design of 1216 020 [updated]
open news
2013-07-27 [AT/IT] ÖBB 1216 019: designs for next promotional livery online
open news
2013-04-17 [AT/CZ] Railjet demonstration run to Prague
open news
2013-04-11 [PL] ÖBB 1216 233 in Poland
open news
2013-04-10 [AT/CZ] First days of service of Railjet 1216 229
open news
2013-04-09 [AT] 1216 229 is the first multi system Railjet locomotive [updated]
open news
2013-04-06 [AT/CZ/PL] ÖBB 1216s run to Chalupki, Poland [updated]
open news
2013-03-15 [AT/CZ/SK] ÖBB 1216 228
open news
2013-02-25 [AT/CZ] CD Railjet preparation test
open news
2013-02-08 [IT] ETCS interference trials with ÖBB 1216 005
open news
2012-07-17 [AT/IT] 1216 020 in its new livery
open news
2012-07-06 [AT] Next one please: ÖBB 1216 020 -175 Jahre Eisenbahn für Österreich-
open news
2012-06-10 [AT] Taurus-parade and load trial of the Draubrücke in Villach
open news
2011-10-08 [AT] New promotional livery: OBB 1216 210 -Kapsch-
open news
2010-10-21 [AT/IT] 1216s in Italy
open news
2010-08-24 [IT/AT] 1216 025 in Italy
open news
2010-05-26 [IT/AT] 1216s in Italy
open news
2010-03-16 [IT] ÖBB 1216s in Italy
open news
2010-03-12 [DE/AT/IT] 1216s ready to take over EC services
open news
2009-12-01 [DE/AT/IT] DB/OBB passenger services in Italy
open news
2009-03-08 [AT] 1216 010 renumbered
open news
2008-11-18 [EU] Siemens short
open news
2008-10-23 [CZ] CD hires OBB 1216s
open news
2008-08-06 [IT] in Latina..
open news
2008-05-10 [AT] world's fastest electric changes color
open news
2008-01-24 [CZ] OBB 1216 series homologated for Brünn - Ceske Budejovice route
open news
2004-03-28 [AT] design/order details of the future OBB 1216 series
ÖBB 1216: Why another Taurus family member?  
Since 1999 Siemens is delivering TAURUS locomotives to the OBB. By 2001, the number of machines to be built increased had grown up to 400 locomotives (50x1016, 350x1116). This number of machines was inspired by a ambitious plan to make the OBB a leading supplier of locomotive power to various operators in Europe, in cooperation with the German DB, and to become a important operator for international freight services towards Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary, and Slovakia.

But as time passed by, an delivery progressed, these plans proved to be unrealistic or even impossible. The DB no longer wanted to cooperate, unpredicted technical problems made homologation processes of 1016/1116 series difficult or even impossible for several foreign countries.

The order for 400 machines however, with a volume of 1.1 billion Euros, was final. The OBB attempts the reduce the number of locomotives on order, were futile. With the introduction of the EuroSprinter ES64F4 platform by Siemens and the Traxx MS locomotives by Bombardier, new products optimised for international interoperability, became available to the market. These machines made it possible for other operators to enter markets, that where also of interest to the OBB. Especially direct long-haul services towards Italy were very lucrative.

So finally, Siemens and the OBB agreed on a total different plan, which made it possible to the OBB the become the international player they wanted to be, which reduced the number of 1016/1116 series machines, without changing the volume of the original Taurus order. For Siemens this new agreement made it possible to develop the ultimate EuroSprinter locomotive, melting the ES64U2 (1016/1116) and ES64F4 platforms together. The result is the OBB 1216 series, or Siemens ES64U4 platform, offering such a versatile solution, that it can be used for every possible service one can think of.

As the new machines were about 20% more expensive as the original 1016/1116 series, the total number of machines that would be built was decreased, so that the total volume of 1,1 billion Euro could stay the same. In stead of the latter 68 1116 machines, now 50 1216 series locomotives would be built.

ÖBB 1216: Rumours become reality  
A wooden model at Innotrans 2004 made rumours tangible!

The very first signals that the OBB was trying to alter the original Taurus order became public in October 2003. Under project name ‘1017’ one was exploring the possibilities of building a Taurus locomotive with additional components making it possible to run under 3kV DC voltage systems, as used in Italy.

In March 2004 it becomes clear that the new machines will resemble the original Taurus machines as much as possible. Sharing many parts with the 1016/1116 series is more economic for the OBB, and easier for Siemens as several deals with sub contractors did not have to be changed again. At the same time, the new machines would be fit in the Taurus identity nicely. From a distance it is not so easy to distinguish the 1216, which is the final designation for the new generation of Taurus locomotives, from the 1016/1116 series.

From June to August 2004 the first pictures appear of a 1216 body in steel. It already reveals several changes. The new machines has two fully fledged cabs with two entrance doors. European safety demands require this. The side-panels of a machine are smooth again, and every cab has a third head-light above the cabin windows. Also remarkable is that for the new locomotive the number of parts built out of glass-fibre-reinforced plastics (GFK) is reduced again. More steel increases the strength of the cab of course, improving driver safety. But Siemens was at that time also experiencing difficulties with the GFK roof tops of the 1016/1116 series, proving to be less durable as predicted.

In September 2004 the first complete body transported to Leipzig to the KIROW company for extensive fatique tests. In the meantime also the construction of a second loco was started.

At Innotrans 2004, international railway fair in Berlin, Siemens presents its new 1216 series concept, with a wooden model in scale 1:20 and 1:1 mock-up of the driver table.

In November 2004, construction of the third prototype starts.

At the end of 2004 the production plan for project ‘1017’ is revealed. There will be three prototypes, first dynamic trials are planned for May 2005. Series delivery is scheduled for 2006 and 2007. Until first machines are handed over to the OBB, Siemens disposes 4 Dispolok ES64F4 engines to OBB. (in 2005-2007 Dispolok ES64F4 006, 008-010 ran for the OBB).

In March 2005, the first completed machine is spotted outside the Siemens factories in Munchen-Allach. On 31.03.2005 the 1216 is officially presented, the 1216 001 outside and the 1216 003 inside the factories, both carrying the slogan ´part of the best´. 1216 002 was not finished at that moment. All three prototypes have a different configuration and will be used for trials all over Europe in the upcoming months. The 1216 001 (version A for D-A-CH-I, 3 pantographs) will go to Italy. 1216 002 (version C for D-A-SK-CZ, 4 pantographs) will be used for test runs at the Siemens Wildenrath centre and 1216 003 (Version B for D-A-SL, 3 pantographs) is reserved for technical running tests.

ÖBB 1216: About the prototypes  
A prototype during the very first trails in Austria, accompagnied by an Austrian measurement vehicle and a 1116.

For test, experiments, promotional purposes three machines were ready to go in April 2005. 1216 001 and 002 were first transported to the Velim test centre in Cerhenice (CZ). After that the 001 went to Italy, the 002 to Slovenia and later on to Slovakia. The 003 went to Linz, got special bogies and run many tests in Austria. In June 2005 the 003 was the first engine used for a commercial OBB service. That month the 003 also visited Switzerland for runs at the Gotthard-Südrampe and the NBS Mattstetten – Rothrist. In August high speed tests took place in Germany with the 003 at the NBS Würzburg - Hannover. The 1216 family was also present at several events; 002 joined the rolling stock show at Rosenheim in June 2005, and was baptised by Kardinal Schönborn at 22.06.2005.

In January 2006 all this fun came to an end and the machines were prepared for delivery to the OBB; new service numbers were applied. 1216 001 kept its number, 1216 002 became 1216 226 and the 1216 003 is now 1216 141. At first sight it looks maybe a bit ought, but there is logic in it! The 50 engines are numbered 1216 X01-X50, with the X being the number that represents the sub type (0=A, 1=B, 2=C), which can and will be changed.

ÖBB 1216: 1216 050  
In February 2005 Siemens started to built a ES64U4 platform locomotive, next to the three 1216 series prototypes for the OBB. Soon this supplemental machine, the designated 1216 050, was presented as new Siemens demonstrator. Not only would it be used to prove new technologies and components for future Siemens products, Siemens also decided to even strive for a higher goal with the 1216 050; becoming the worlds fastest single body electric in the world…

Back in 2005, when the machines was completed, Siemens also published what to do with machine when all trials were completed; it would be delivered to the federal Austrian railways (OBB) as 50th and final locomotive of their 1216 series. As long its property of Siemens, the machine has its own section.

ÖBB 1216: Serie delivery  
Very similar, but when you look closer, nothing is the same..

From October 2005 on, series production of the 1216 series started, with the final assembly of the 1216 002II and 003II. Like during the production of the OBB 1116 series, the OBB workshops of Linz were responsible for the final assembly of the machines. Frames and bodies are welded together in Munchen, but than are transported to Austria. In June 2006 the the 1216 002II, 003II and 004, being the first locomotives 'made in Linz', were handed over to the OBB. All machines have the ´part of the best´ logos and inscriptions. The 1216.0/class-VA machines carry additional front numbers: E190 0xx, necessary for service in Italy. In 2006 the 005-010 and 227-232 were built. In 2007 and 2008 Siemens and the Linz workshops completed the serie with 1216 233-240, 142-150 and finally the 011-024.

ÖBB 1216: International career  
In September 2006, all 1216 sub series series were approved by the German railway authorities, EBA, for services in Germany. Since December 2006, the 1216.1 series may run in Slovenia.

In April 2007, it became clear that no breakthrough was expected in having the OBB 1216 series homologated for Slovakia and Czech Republic, due to too much resonant currents on their networks. Five 1216.2s were then retrofitted for services to Slovenia, otherwise the OBB could use these machines for domestic services only. 1216 227-231 became 1216 127-131.

Since the summer of 2007, the 1216.0 machines are homologated for Italy, to be used on the Innsbruck/Lienz corridor.

In November 2007, 1216 232 was temporarily retrofitted for services in Italy, and numbered as 1216 032 it completed trials that finally would have to lead to an approval for the 1216 series for speeds up to 200 kph in the future. Italy is introducing a new train detection system, called SCMT, which is mandatory for speeds above 140 kph soon, so the combination of 1216 and SCMT required another testing project.

Per 24.01.2008, 1216.2 machines have a restricted approval for Brünn - Ceske Budejovice in the Czech Rublic. 1216 234 was used for gathering enough data to make sure this was possible. Since June 2008 all 1216s configured as sub type C (1216.2) have full approval for running in the Czech Republic. The only restriction is that on track sections were old safety systems are installed, working with 25 Hz frequencies, maximum speed is restricted to 40 kph.

Just before the summer of 2010, the 1216.0 series had their long awaited break through in Italy. Since then, all units fit for running in Italy at that moment (eg 1216 001-025 and 032, which also kept its Italian package) can be seen in Italy. They are immatriculated at three different Italian companies, which is required to get them running in this country. An overview of the situation in October 2010:

1) Linea Smart Business Ways uses unit 1216.001, 002, 003, 004, 025 and 032. This freight operator is property of Rail Cargo Austria, the freight transport division of the ÖBB. In Italy these machines are marked as E190 0xx I-LI.

2) Units 1216 005 to 009 (E190 005-009 I-TI) run under FS Trenitalia registration because they are solely used for the corridor services between Innsbruck and Lienz, with Trenitalia personal on board.

3) LeNord operates 1216 011 to 024 (of which units 011-019 are decorated with the Italian flag) as E190 0xx I-LN. - EisenbahnRevue/PT/LF

ÖBB 1216: Select your Locomotive:  
Siemens 21087 2005 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 001 18 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21090 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 002 18 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21091 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 003 24 picture(s) available        
Siemens 21092 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 004 22 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21093 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 005 16 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21094 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 006 23 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21095 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 007 19 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21096 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 008 17 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21097 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 009 18 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21124 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 011 37 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21125 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 012 27 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21126 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 013 24 picture(s) available allocation data available revision data available    
Siemens 21127 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 014 23 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21128 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 015 28 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21129 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 016 29 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21131 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 017 34 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21133 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 018 42 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21135 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 019 55 picture(s) available allocation data available revision data available    
Siemens 21523 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 020 52 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21524 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 021 28 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21525 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 022 25 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21526 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 023 22 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21527 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 024 18 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21136 2005 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 025 77 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21104 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 032 12 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21088 2005 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 141 12 picture(s) available     graphics available  
Siemens 21114 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 142 5 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21115 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 143 5 picture(s) available        
Siemens 21116 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 144 8 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21117 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 145 2 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21118 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 146 6 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21119 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 147 7 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21120 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 148 9 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21098 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 210 34 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21089 2005 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 226 37 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21099 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 227 13 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21100 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 228 13 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21101 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 229 22 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21102 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 230 20 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21103 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 231 21 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21105 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 233 28 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21106 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 234 25 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21107 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 235 33 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Siemens 21108 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 236 22 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21109 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 237 19 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21110 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 238 16 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21111 2006 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 239 15 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21112 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 240 16 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21121 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 249 18 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Siemens 21122 2007 ES 64 U4 Bo'Bo'-el 1216 250 17 picture(s) available   revision data available