[AT] Trial with TecSol 1822 001 and 004
update 2016|01|25
[AT] Trial with TecSol 1822 001 and 004
Today, two TecSol 1822 series electrics made a trip from Krieglach to Glognitz, together. On the way back to Krieglach they ran coupled with RTS 1216 901 and 2143 007. 1822 001 and 004 have both been renumbered meanwhile. The check digits up front are different from last them we saw them, and the NVR number are no 91 81 1822 00x-x A-P&P. We did a check but this NVR marking does not exist. Possible 'P&P Eisenbahntechnik GmbH' is meant here, but this companies' abbreviation is A-PPE. Thanks to Ludwig GS for the images in this item.
[AT] TecSol locomotives
update 2015|04|23
[AT] TecSol locomotives
[AT] TecSol 1822 001 almost ready for LTE banking services
update 2015|04|01
[AT] TecSol 1822 001 almost ready for LTE banking services
Eurailpress.de reports: On 25.03.2015, TecSol 1822 001-2 completed its first main line test run on the Südbahn (AT). The machine still needs to pass several load tests before it can be used for banking services on the Semmeringbahn. There it will be used by operator LTE.
[AT] TecSol 1822 001 now silver and blue
update 2015|03|05
[AT] TecSol 1822 001 now silver and blue
Yep, we had some doubts when new images emerged of TecSol's 1822 001-2 this week. The 001 is the first of three to be released after a redesign in blue and silver. We presumed that this machine was destined to be operated by RTS Austria, but the blue striping indicates Adria Transport will be its future employer. The machine will now have to be approved for service again. It is going to be used on freight routes into Slovenia, on which more modern locomotives exceed the maximum axle load. - LGS
[AT/SI] Former ÖBB 1822 001 now silver, on its way to RTS Austria
update 2014|08|27
[AT/SI] Former ÖBB 1822 001 now silver, on its way to RTS Austria
Locomotive 1822 001-2, since April 2014 property of Tecsol, has been repainted in silver. Today it was transferred from Fischamend to Krieglach, were it will be made ready for its return in active duty. Presumably, it will get the colours and logos of its new operator, RTS Austria.
Tecsol acquired unit no. 1822.001, 003 and 004 in April. The 003 and 004 will be used by Adria Transport. - HP
[AT] Adria Transport hires former OBB locomotives
update 2014|06|01
[AT] Adria Transport hires former OBB locomotives

Adria Transport will soon hire two of three 1822 series locomotives, that were recently sold to TecSol. - DH/KAR
[AT] OBB sells three remaining 1822s to Tecsol
update 2014|04|27
[AT] OBB sells three remaining 1822s to Tecsol
Bahnbilder.warumdenn.net reports:
On 25.04.2014 the historic locomotive 1020.042 (Verein Historische Elektrolokomotiven Bludenz) transported the three remaining Austrian locomotives of the former OBB series 1822. The three units, 1822.001, 003 and 004, were taken from Vorarlberg, where they were parked since 2011 to the Steiermark. The company Tecsol from Anger (AT) is the new owner of the three locomotives, that are also known under their nickname 'Brennerlok'.
Nice to watch: A lively image report of the transport of the three remaining 1822s.
[PL] 1822 002 and 005, their final hour
update 2014|01|10
[PL] 1822 002 and 005, their final hour
It seems the final hour of 1822-002 and 1822-005 is there. The locomotives, originally built for the Austrian state railways, are being scrapped. The PCC colored 232 series diesel locomotive is first in row, but 002 and 005 are next. Currently the machines are property of DB Schenker Rail Polska, striving for a more homogenous fleet and that wants to get rid of smaller, special series. - PS / spz.logout.cz
In 1990-1991, SGP from Austria built 5 such locomotives for international services in Austria and Italy. ABB and ELIN were responsible for the electrical part of the machines. The type never went into production. The arrival of the, much cheaper, Taurus family only few years later meant the end of this so calld 'Splittergattung' in Austria. 1822 002 and 005 were sold to Poland. 1822 001, 003 and 004 are still in Austria. They are currently parked at Wolfurt, waiting for things to come.
A video of 1822-002 from 2010, when the machine was still in service for DB Schenker Rail in Poland:
1822 002 and 005: second life in Poland |
In January 2005, the Austrian railways succeeded in selling two of its 1822 series locomotives to another operator. PTKiGK from Poland took over machine no. 002 and 005. After retro-fitting and a repaint the machines were used for domestic freight services in Poland. This capital however was short. 1822-005 was in service until 2008. 1822-002 lasted two years longer, and was put aside in 2010.
Meanwhile PTKiGK merged with other Polish operators. Finally, they were acquired by DB Schenker, becoming DB Schenker Rail Polska. In 2013, DBSRP started to sell / scrap all smaller series of locomotives in its fleet. The operator wanted a more homogeneous fleet. This was the end of the two Polish 1822s.
ÖBB 1822 (SGP): select your locomotive |