The pre-history of the Trenitalia E403 series (orginally plannd as E402C series) is a long one, characterized by technical difficulties, downgrading, delivery delays, and alternative purposes. It has resulted in a small batch of multi-purpose, multi-system locomotives, for which the operator has difficulties to find a suitable purpose.
The E403 is also an almost unique project for its time. During the 00s, Bombardier, Siemens and Alstom were leading the market for these kind of locomotives, with their standardized platforms. Trenitalia wanted their 'European' locomotive to be developed and built in Italy, and Italian manufacturer of rolling stock AnsaldoBreda accepted this challenge. Once there was the plan to use the E403 for international (freight) services towards France and over the Alps. But this proved to be just too ambitious. The E403 got too expensive, technically challenging. This resulted in technical downgrading (removing the 15kV AC and 1,5kV DC part) and thus reducing the service domain of the E403. Services in Germany, Austria, France where no longer an option, so Trenitalia decided that the E403 would become the locomotive to haul fast freight trains on both the standard italian network (3kv DC) and optionally its high speed lines (Direttissima, 25kV AC).
Now (May 2012) we see the E403 only being used for just normal freight trains. They maybe deserve better, they can do more. They have a distinct character and a top speed of 180 kph. The future will learn.
[IT] Will Finmeccanica finally succeed in selling its rail business?
update 2014|08|17
[IT] Will Finmeccanica finally succeed in selling its rail business?
For three years now, Italy's Finmeccanica is trying to sell AnsaldoBreda (train building) together with its profitable rail signals business Ansaldo STS, to help reduce its debts. Finmeccanica's core business is in the defense industry.
None of the possible candidates is officially commenting on this news, but Reuters now states that five companies/consortia are planning on releasing a bid on AnsaldoBreda/AnsaldoSTS: Bombardier, Hitachi, CNR from China with Insigma, Thales from France of CAF. Final deadline fur the current bidding process is 29.08.2014.
[IT] Trenitalia E403 and the sea
update 2013|03|25
[IT] Trenitalia E403 and the sea

Two nice impressions of the Trenitalia E403 series in passenger services, in the south of Italy. - MS
[IT] Trenitalia E403 series in every day service
update 2012|12|28
[IT] Trenitalia E403 series in every day service
After years with problems, Trenitalia now successfully operates the E403 series locomotives in revenue service. Both images show unit E 403.008 with IC 540 from Roma-Termini, just after its arrival in Ancona.
Intercity trains radiating from Rome are now an important service domain of the E403. They run to Salerno, Naples, Firenze and Ancona. - LF
[IT] E403 Line-up Milano Smistamento
update 2012|11|11
[IT] E403 Line-up Milano Smistamento
Two nice images from the recent past. An E403 line-up at night and by daytime. - MS
[IT] Trenitalia E403 series in (freight) service
update 2012|03|01
[IT] Trenitalia E403 series in (freight) service
Since the early 00's, manufacturer AnsaldoBreda is struggling to make the E403 multi-system electrics a reliable work horse. The project suffers from weight problems and other technical difficulties. Delivery of all 24 units still hasn't been completed, although first units were already outshopped and tested in 2006. They will never serve the purpose they were developed for; international freight services from Italy over the Alps.
TX Logistic is now the Trenitalia department operating trans-Alp services, but relying on Siemens and Bombardier products. During the past years, the E403 got tuned down (no 15kV AC capabilites anymore) and its service domain changed several times. Maybe it could have served a locomotives for high speed freight services over the Italian high speed lines for example. They got re-allocated from the Cargo division of Milan, to the passenger one in Naples because of this.
However, it seems there is finally coming an end to this saga. The E403s are now re-assigned to freight departments again and get a thorough overhaul at the workshops of Contact S.r.l. in Caserta. The first five units were assigned to the Naples freight yard of Maddaloni-Marcianise in January 2012. They are now used for domestic freight services (and under 3kV DC only..) on the Naples-Villa San Giovanni connection and from Naples to Bologna via Rome and Florence. During the first try's, a E403 was always supported by a E655 locomotive, like in the picture. - MS/LP
Trenitalia E403: select your locomotive |