in short |
InRail E 190 series |
It was never announced officially by Siemens, but in 2010 or 2011, operator InRail from Italy decided to buy two ES 64 U4 locomotives from stock. The first blue, red and grey unit was transported from Munich to Italy in 21.03.2011. In June the second locomotive, InRail 190 312 arrived in Italy. There they there InRail logos.
This section also documents the history of unit 190 313 and 314, as they were hired to operator FuoriMuro. This company has common shareholders with InRail. FuoriMuro will operate both machines, which have the same base livery as the InRail ones, as long as they are waiting for the two Vectron locomotives they have ordered from Siemens.
Locomotive 190 313 and 190 314 arrived in Italy (Udine) on 27.06.2012 with train 45221 Tarvisio Boscoverde – Udine.
[IT] InRail 190 313 livery completed after two years
update 2014|06|23
[IT] InRail 190 313 livery completed after two years
Two years ago, Siemens delivered locomotive 190 313 to InRail from Italy. Since its delivery, the 313 is running for InRail branche partner FuoriMuro.
But unlike its sister locomotives 190 311/312 (InRail logos) and 190 314 (FuoriMuro logos), this machine remained logo-less. This has changed now. New InRail logos are applied, and extra red striping on its sides, above its frame. 190 313 now looks identical to 311 and 312.
More information about these trains:
InRail 190
[SI/IT] InRail E190 running to Koper, Slovenia
update 2013|09|16
[SI/IT] InRail E190 running to Koper, Slovenia
On 11.09.2013, InRail's E 190 312 (now additionally listering to the designation 541-312) was in Slovenia for tests. Together with E 190 311 and Adria Transport ES 64 U4 locomotives, it will run to Koper with freight trains. - MM
The images show 1216 922 and E 190 312 in Gramatneusiedl, returning from Slovenia. - HP
< check the Trainspo.com gallery |
InRail 190
[IT/SI] InRail in Slovenia (Nova Gorica - Udine)
update 2013|02|16
[IT/SI] InRail in Slovenia (Nova Gorica - Udine)
InRail is the first Italian rail operator, after Trenitalia, to operate freight services in and to Slovenia. This is made possible because of an agreement with Slovenian railways (SZ) and the license obtained from AZP - Public Agency for Rail Transport of the Republic of Slovenia.
InRail starts services between Nova Gorica (SI) and Udine (IT). The company can now manage the transport between Gorizia - Nova Gorica under own direction using diesel locomotives. With 17 loaded wagons, the first train operated by InRail from Nova Gorica has left from Nova Gorica on January 13th and was made on behalf of ABS – Acciaierie Bertoli Safau (Danieli Group). In February rail traffic between Slovenia and Italy was increased to six budgeted trains per week.
In order to guarantee a solid presence in Slovenia and a constant support in the management of local activities, InRail has opened a new operational office in Nova Gorica. InRail already has a first operational office in Udine and its head quarters are in Genoa. - InRail
InRail 190
[IT] Every day practice with FuoriMuro 190 314
update 2012|12|14
[IT] Every day practice with FuoriMuro 190 314
Two shots of InRail / FuoriMuro locomotive 190 314 in everyday service. Both involve the Mortara-Arquata Scrivia service, going to Ventimiglia Parco Roja (and then Marseille-Miramas). - LP
InRail 190
[IT] 190 314 with FuoriMuro logos [updated]
update 2012|10|17
[IT] 190 314 with FuoriMuro logos [updated]

Yesterday, we could already show you locomotive 190 314 with FuoriMuro markings and a new blue line above the frame. Last night, new FM logos complemented the new livery - MT
InRail 190
[IT] Test runs with FuoriMuro 190 314
update 2012|09|07
[IT] Test runs with FuoriMuro 190 314
FuoriMuro 190 314 is performing test runs these days. It is running to Milano, Piacenza, Castelguelfo and Genova to validate the safety certificate of FuoriMuro, a new italian railway company.
Picture no.1 shows the 314 during a run from Castelguelfo to Genova Sampierdarena on 06.09.2012. At picture no.2 you see the same locomotive today coming from Genova Sampierdarena, going to Piacenza. - LF/LP
InRail 190
[IT] InRail/Fuori Muro 190 313 and 314 in service
update 2012|07|19
[IT] InRail/Fuori Muro 190 313 and 314 in service
Last Monday, the first trial services were completed with the new 190 313 and 314. Yesterday, the first commercial runs were made with these new machines. The image shows unit 313 leaving for Udine. Before that the locomotive ran from Udine to Friuli Gemona, and continued to Villa Opicina. The 314 traveled from Trieste to Udine, ending up in San Zeno Folzano. - SC
InRail 190
[IT] InRail 190 313 and 314 arrive in Italy
update 2012|06|27
[IT] InRail 190 313 and 314 arrive in Italy
Today, InRail 190 313 and 190 314 arrived in Udine with train 45221 Tarvisio Boscoverde – Udine. Both InRail and FuoriMuro, which have common shareholders will use the new machines. InRail will return its E655 electric locomotives, that are hired from Trenitalia. In 2013, FuoriMuro will get two Vectron locomotives for its services. - duegieditrice.it
InRail 190
[DE/IT] FuoriMuro 190 314 leaves Munich
update 2012|06|26
[DE/IT] FuoriMuro 190 314 leaves Munich
Today, the second ES64U4 series locomotive, to be operated by FuoriMuro, left Munich. The image shows 190 314 southbound. - NK
InRail 190
[AT] Open door day in the workshops of Linz
update 2012|06|25
[AT] Open door day in the workshops of Linz

Last Saturday, there was also an open door day at the workshops in Linz (AT). Remarkable: 1116 071 is retrofitted for services in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. ES 64 U2-067 'Siemens Trainguard is still in Linz. DB Schenker 189 048 was in Linz for its R1 overhaul. Fuori Muro's 190 313 now has a blue roof, blue lamp houses and a completely red front. - HP/KB
BTW Elektrolok.de brings more images from Linz.
GySEV 470
InRail 190
SZ 541
[IT] portrait of InRail E 190 311 and 312
update 2011|09|12
[IT] portrait of InRail E 190 311 and 312
- thanks to Marco Stellini
InRail 190
[IT] InRail E 190 312
update 2011|06|23
[IT] InRail E 190 312
Brand new E 190 312 for InRail going to Rosenheim on 21.06.2011. - YD
InRail 190
[IT] official: InRail recieves its first ES 64 U4 locomotive
update 2011|04|08
[IT] official: InRail recieves its first ES 64 U4 locomotive
Siemens handed over the first of two type ES64U4 locomotives to the customer at the end of March, just three months after Inrail S.p.A., the Italian rail freight service provider, signed the order. The second vehicle will be delivered at the end of June.
The locomotives are designed to operate in Italy, Germany, Austria and Slovenia and will help to carry freight on the routes to the ports and industrial cities in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region. - Siemens
InRail 190
[IT] InRail 1216 311 on the move
[IT] INRAIL orders two ES64U4 locomotives: official details
update 2011|02|10
[IT] INRAIL orders two ES64U4 locomotives: official details
Today, Siemens published a news letter with official information about recent orders.
About INRAIL S.p.A. ordering two ES64U4 locomotives we know now: The operator signed a contract worth almost eight million euro. The new units will support INRAIL expanding towards Austria and Slovenia and delivering goods to
the harbors and industrial centers in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.
Most important reason why INRAIL selected Siemens is the extreme short delivery time, made possible by stock building in Linz, Austria. First locomotive will be delivered as early as March, and the second one in June.
Slowly Siemens succeeds to sell all ES64U4 units waiting in Linz since 2008. An overview:
Siemens 21321 - VBG 183 005
Siemens 21322 - Siemens 183 701
Siemens 21323 - Siemens 183 702
Siemens 21604 - FUC 1216 301
Siemens 21605 - WLC 183 704
Siemens 21606 - WLC 183 705
Linz will deliver five units in the coming six months. Two units for WLC. One more for FUC and the two for INRAIL.
- Siemens
InRail 190
[IT] two times ES64U4 for InRail (update)
update 2011|01|28
[IT] two times ES64U4 for InRail (update)
Yesterday it was confirmed officially that for another two ES 64 U4 stock units from Linz, a new employer has been found; InRail from Italy. More details later. - Siemens
Via Ferrovie.info you can see a sketch of a possible livery for a possible InRail ES64U4 locomotive...
InRail 190
InRail 190: select your locomotive |