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BLS Cargo TRAXX MS2e  
in short
order details
On 05.09.2007, Bombardier was awarded by BLS Cargo with an order for ten Traxx F140 multisystem locomotives. An option for another 10 locomotives was included. The machines are built for nonstop, langhaul services over the Alps, as they will be certified for Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy. Next to the standard train detection systems for these countries, the units are also equipped with ERTMS (Europe) and SCMT (Italy).

On 05.09.2008, the first BLS Traxx left the Kassel assembly plant. It was transported to Bombardier's test site in Hennigsdorf, near Berlin. The machine, designated Re 486 501, was decorated with the latest BLS promotional vynils, similar to those applied on BLS Cargo's Re 485 003. The slogan is different on both sides, as one is in German, the other in Italian.

10 locomotives
delivery period unknown
certified for Zwitserland, Germany, Austria and Italy
> designation Re 486 501-510
operator official website:
Bombardier official website:
BLS Cargo TRAXX MS2e: interactive 3D  
360 degrees product view
Rendering and model: Giovanni Grasso and Nicola Mangialardo.
BLS Cargo TRAXX MS2e: news  
open news
2017-02-16 [EU] SNCF Logistics acquires 45% stake in BLS Cargo
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2016-11-28 [CH] A relief! Operators can continue operation with Bombardier TRAXX locomotives in the Gotthard Base Tunnel
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2016-07-16 [CH] Two freight trains collide at Chiasso
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2016-02-17 [CH] BLS Cargo 486 505 and 506: A new Alpinist... [updated]
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2014-12-22 [EU] Also BLS is searching for new locomotives
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2014-02-23 [CH] Trio test runs in Switzerland
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2013-12-13 [DE/AT/IT] BLS locomotives and Lokomotion swap locomotives
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2013-08-22 [CH] Traxx Last Mile in combination with BLS 485/486 series
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2013-04-04 [CH] DB Schenker over the Gotthard with SBB Cargo instead of BLS Cargo
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2010-01-21 [IT] Re486 in Italy
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2009-08-28 [CH/IT] BLS Re486 to be immatriculated by Nordcargo
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2009-03-08 [CH/IT] BLS Cargo E 486 and Nordcargo
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2009-02-24 [CH/IT] BLS Cargo E 486 > E 186?
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2008-11-25 [CH/DE] BLS Cargo Re 486 on its way
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2008-10-31 [EU] Bombardier Short
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2008-10-22 [DE] BLS Cargo Re 486 502 and 503
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2008-08-23 [DE] Kassel...
BLS Cargo TRAXX MS2e: Fleet list  
Bombardier 34396 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 501-0 35 picture(s) available   revision data available graphics available  
Bombardier 34401 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 502-8 37 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34404 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 503-6 37 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34405 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 504-4 41 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34422 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 505-1 22 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34423 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 506-9 37 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34426 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 507-7 25 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34427 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 508-5 30 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34433 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 509-3 28 picture(s) available   revision data available    
Bombardier 34434 2008 TRAXX F140 MS Bo'Bo'-el 486 510-1 30 picture(s) available   revision data available