__.__.2001 |
delivered to Siemens Dispolok GmbH, München [D] "ES 64 U2-003" |
01.10.2001 |
in service[sub type D/A] |
30.09.2006 |
=> Dispolok GmbH, München [D] "ES 64 U2-003" |
01.01.2007 |
Registration NVR-Number "91 80 6182 503-3 D-DISPO"
24.01.2008 |
=> MRCE Dispolok GmbH, München [D] "ES 64 U2-003" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6182 503-3 D-DISPO]
__.12.2010 |
sold to Hector Rail AB, Danderyd [S] "ES 64 U2-003" |
__.06.2011 |
rebuilding "242.503" [Name: "Balboa"]
[NVR-Number: 91 80 6182 503-3 S-HCTOR]
[until __.09.2011]
[sub type S] |
__.__.2018 |
rebuilding durch ÖBB-Technische Services, Linz [sub type S / D / A / DK] |
__.__.2024 |
renumbered [NVR-Number: 91 80 6 182 503-3 D-HRDE]