__.__.2012 |
delivered to Bombardier Transportation, Kassel [D] "187 003-9" [Name: "Hans-Werner"]
[NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-BTK]
18.12.2012 |
in service[sub type D/A/CH - with last mile shunter-module] |
__.0x.2013 |
trials in Velim [CZ] [until __.0x.2013]
__.0x.2013 |
hired to Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH, München [D] "187 003-9" [until __.0x.2013]
[Testeinsatz] |
__.0x.2013 |
trials in Velim [CZ] [until __.__.201x]
__.0x.2014 |
hired to Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH, München [D] "187 003-9" [until __.0x.2015]
[Testeinsatz] |
__.05.2015 |
trials in Velim [CZ] [until __.06.2015]
16.06.2015 |
Ausstellung auf der Czech Raildays, Ostrava [CZ] [until 18.06.2015]
__.0x.2015 |
hired to Lokomotion Gesellschaft für Schienentraktion mbH, München [D] "187 003-9" [until 01.02.2016]
[Testeinsatz] |
__.12.2016 |
sold to Railpool GmbH, München [D] "187 003-9" [Name: "Hans-Werner"]
[NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
__.12.2016 |
hired to BLS Cargo AG, Bern [CH] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.__.2017]
__.__.2017 |
hired to railCare AG, Härkingen [CH] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.0x.2018]
__.07.2018 |
hired to Internationale Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr IGE GmbH & Co. KG, Hersbruck [D] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.12.2018]
__.12.2018 |
hired to Raildox GmbH & Co. KG, Erfurt [D] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.__.2018]
01.03.2021 |
hired to CD Cargo a.s., Niederlassung Wien "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.__.202x]
__.__.202x |
hired to IGE - Internationale Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr IGE GmbH & Co. KG, Hersbruck [D] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until 31.10.2023]
01.11.2023 |
hired to BBL Logistik GmbH, Hannover [D] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.__.202x]
__.__.202x |
hired to Raildox GmbH & Co. KG, Erfurt [D] "187 003-9" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6187 003-9 D-Rpool]
[until __.05.2024]