__.__.2006 |
delivered to SBB Cargo AG, Basel [CH] "482 048-6" |
18.08.2006 |
in service[sub type CH/D/A] |
01.01.2007 |
Registration NVR-Number "91 85 4482 048-6 CH-SBBC"
__.10.2008 |
hired to TXL - TX Logistik AG, Bad Honnef [D] "482 048-6" [until __.__.200x]
11.07.2009 |
hired to TXL - TX Logistik AG, Bad Honnef [D] "482 048-6" [until __.08.2009]
__.__.201x |
hired to Railpool GmbH, München [D] "482 048-6" [until __.__.201x]
__.__.2011 |
subhired to RTB Cargo - Rurtalbahn Cargo GmbH, Düren [D] "482 048-6" [until __.03.2013]
__.__.2014 |
hired to TXL - TX Logistik AG, Bad Honnef [D] "482 048-6" [until 07.01.2017]
__.__.2015 |
subhired to Raildox GmbH & Co. KG, Erfurt [D] "482 048-6" [until __.__.2015]
[Mischeinsatz TX Logistik / Raildox] |
__.__.2017 |
hired to SBB Cargo International AG, Olten [CH] "482 048-6" [until __.01.2017]
24.01.2017 |
hired to LOCON LOGISTIK & CONSULTING AG, Berlin [D] "482 048-6" [until __.__.2017]
__.08.2017 |
hired to ÖBB-Produktion GmbH, Wien [A] "482 048-6" [until 04.02.2018]
28.02.2018 |
hired to TXL - TX Logistik AG, Troisdorf [D] "482 048-6" [until 31.03.2018]
__.__.2018 |
hired to Raildox GmbH & Co. KG, Erfurt [D] "482 048-6" [until __.__.2018]
01.01.2019 |
sold to HRS - Hamburger Rail Service GmbH & Co. KG, Ahrensburg [D] "482 048-6" [Name: "Joel"]
01.01.2021 |
hired to Schweizerische Bundesbahnen SBB Cargo AG, Basel [CH] "482 048-6" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4482 048-6 CH-SBBC]
[until __.__.202x]
__.__.2021 |
subhired to IL - InfraLeuna GmbH, Leuna [D] "482 048-6" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4482 048-6 CH-SBBC]
[until __.__.2021]
__.__.2021 |
subhired to IGE - Internationale Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr IGE GmbH & Co. KG, Hersbruck [D] "482 048-6" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4482 048-6 CH-SBBC]
[until __.__.202x]
05.07.2022 |
sold to NRFAB - Nordic Re-Finance AB, Bankeryd [S] "482 048-9" [NVR-Number: 91 74 4482 048-9 S-NRFAB]
__.__.2022 |
Überführung nach Schweden and rebuilding[sub type S/NO + ETCS] |
__.__.2022 |
hired to TX Logistik AB, Helsingborg [S] "482 048-9" |