__.__.2006 |
delivered to SBB Cargo AG, Basel [CH] "482 047-8" |
15.08.2006 |
in service[sub type CH/D/A] |
01.01.2007 |
Registration NVR-Number "91 85 4482 047-8 CH-SBBC"
__.__.2010 |
hired to Railpool GmbH, München [D] "482 047-8" [until __.__.201x]
03.01.2011 |
subhired to RTB Cargo - Rurtalbahn Cargo GmbH, Düren [D] "482 047-8" [until __.12.2012]
__.03.2013 |
subhired to RTB Cargo - Rurtalbahn Cargo GmbH, Düren [D] "482 047-8" [until __.__.201x]
__.06.2013 |
subhired to Bräunert Eisenbahnverkehr GmbH & Co. KG, Albisheim [D] "482 047-8" [until 01.12.2013]
__.__.2014 |
subhired to TXL - TX Logistik AG, Bad Honnef [D] "482 047-8" [until 07.01.2017]
__.01.2017 |
hired to SBB Cargo International AG, Olten [CH] "482 047-8" [until __.01.2017]
09.01.2017 |
hired to HSL Logistik GmbH, Hamburg "482 047-8" [until 29.12.2017]
__.03.2018 |
hired to PRESS - Eisenbahn-Bau- and Betriebsgesellschaft Pressnitztalbahn mbH, Jöhstadt [D] "482 047-8" [until __.__.2018]
05.08.2018 |
hired to WRS Deutschland GmbH, Ettlingen [D] "482 047-8" [until __.__.20xx]
01.02.2020 |
sold to IRSI - International Rolling Stock Investment GmbH, Frauenfeld [CH] "482 047-8" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4 482 047-8 CH-IRSI]
__.__.2020 |
hired to Internationale Gesellschaft für Eisenbahnverkehr IGE GmbH & Co. KG, Hersbruck [D] "482 047-8" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4 482 047-8 CH-IRSI]
[until 31.10.2023]
04.08.2022 |
=> IRSI - International Rolling Stock Investment AG, Frauenfeld [CH] "482 047-8" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4 482 047-8 CH-IRSI]
01.11.2023 |
hired to BBL Logistik GmbH, Hannover [D] "482 047-8" [NVR-Number: 91 85 4 482 047-8 CH-IRSI]