__.__.2003 |
delivered to Hannover Mobilien Leasing GmbH [D] "185 517-0" |
15.01.2003 |
in service[sub type D/A/CH] |
__.__.2003 |
hired to r4c - rail4chem Eisenbahnverkehrsgesellschaft mbH, Essen [D] "185 517-0" [until 17.02.2008]
18.02.2008 |
=> VC-D - Veolia Cargo Deutschland GmbH, Dortmund [D] "185 517-0" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 517-0 D-VC]
[until 10.01.2010]
11.01.2010 |
=> Captrain Deutschland GmbH, Dortmund [D] "185 517-0" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 517-0 D-CTD]
__.__.2012 |
operated by ITL Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH, Dresden [D] "185 517-0" [until __.__.201x]
17.08.2014 |
operated by BCB - Bayerische CargoBahn GmbH, Neu-Ulm "185 517-0" [until __.__.201x]
__.01.2015 |
subhired to ecco-rail GmbH, Wien [A] "185 517-0" [until __.01.2015]
__.__.201x |
operated by ITL Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH, Dresden [D] "185 517-0" [NVR-Number: 91 80 6185 517-0 D-ITL]